Classic Automobile Tour to United States of America

  • 19 Nights
  • Includes Flights, Accommodation, Guided Sightseeing, A selection of entertainment & meals
  • Departs 30 July 2025
  • Detroit MI, South Bend IN, Auburn IN, Indianapolis IN, Los Angeles, San Simeon CA
pp twin fare
single fare
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The 2025 Classic Automobile Tour to USA will be a fantastic opportunity to visit the famous Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the iconic Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in California. You will also visit Motor City Detroit, the home of the US automobile industry with visits to both Ford and General Motors. You will travel to California for the Monterey Car Week and the highlight; the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, as well as visiting high quality automotive museums and collections on this unique itinerary. The events of the Monterey Car week are some of the biggest and best in the world. Also enjoy driving a Ford Mustang convertible along one of the most spectacular roads in the world, The Big Sur along the Californian coast. Truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Twin Fare Single Fare
$11,750 $16,475

Tour Operator:
Travelrite International Pty Ltd, ATAS Number A10538 (ABN 64 005 817 078) is the tour operator.

Tour Costs:
The tour costs are based on airfare, general transport, accommodation costs and foreign exchange rate at 10/7/2024. Travelrite reserves the right to alter the costs if any of these factors change, giving any passenger that has booked the right to withdraw with full refund of monies paid or modify arrangements. No alterations to price will be made within 60 days of departure from Australia.

Deposits and Payments:
A non-refundable deposit of $1,200 per passenger for is required at the time of booking. Full payment will be required 90 days before departure for the tour. A 1.5% administration fee will be charged on payment by credit card.

Cancellation Conditions:
Cancellations within 60 days of departure will result in the loss of all monies paid. Cancellation outside 60 days from departure will result in a cancellation fee of $1200 per person.

Travel Insurance:
Travel insurance is recommended to cover the costs of cancellation fees due to illness, death in family, etc.

Minimum Tour Numbers and Conditions:
The tour has been priced on the basis of a minimum number of passengers having booked 60 days prior to departure. Travelrite reserves the right to cancel the tour, giving a full refund of all monies paid or offer arrangements to proceed with the tour at a modified cost. Travelrite reserves the right to change advertised entrances if necessary for the smooth operation of the tour.

The tour is based on arrangements that do not allow for any refunds in respect to sightseeing, accommodation, meals, airfare or other services not utilized after the tour has commenced.

Tour Organisation:
Travelrite reserves the right to change advertised entrances if necessary for the smooth operation of the tour.

Travel Documents:
All passengers will require a valid passport. An ESTA visa is required for Australian passport holders. If you hold another passport please check with Travelrite.

One suitcase of 23 kg is allowed per person on the tour.

Children under 5 years of age are ineligible on coach & cruise tours. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Passengers with disabilities are welcome on Travelrite & Cruise Offers tours provided they are accompanied by a companion capable of providing all necessary assistance, and do not require special assistance from Travelrite & Cruise Offers personnel. Travelrite and Cruise Offers reserves the right to refuse to carry anyone if it is felt the individual cannot cope with the requirements of coach & cruise tour travel and who may require services and facilities that Travelrite & Cruise Offers cannot guarantee will be available. You agree to not hold the Travelrite & Cruise Offers responsible for any decision made by any of them or any service provider to refuse to carry you, provide any facilities or accommodation to you or to provide any service to you.

Travelrite International Pty Ltd (ATAS A10538) is the tour organiser. Travelrite acts only as an agent in the making of arrangements for hotels, transportation, restaurants or any other service and do not assume any liability whatsoever for any injury, damage, death, loss, accident or delay to person or property due to an act of negligence or a default of any hotel, carrier restaurant company or person rendering any services included in the tour, or by act of God. Further no responsibilities are accepted for any damage or delay due to sickness, pilferage, labour disputes, machinery break down, quarantine, government restraints, weather, terrorism or other causes beyond their control. No responsibility is accepted for any additional expense, omission, delays, rerouting or acts of any government authority. The passage contract between the carriers concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the carriers and the purchasers of this tour and/or the passengers. The right is reserved to withdraw any tour and/or make such changes in the tour as may be found desirable or necessary for the convenience of the parties and the proper carrying out of the tour. This contract shall be construed in accordance of the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia and any legal action must be undertaken in the State of Victoria.

Delays And Unforeseen Events:
You engage Travelrite to book this tour on your behalf and you acknowledge that Travelrite acts as your agent for the purpose of making contracts between you and the various providers of accommodation, transportation and other services that comprise the tour. Travelrite may without reference to you provide or make available to you, or may as your agent engage any third party to provide or make available to you, any good or service which Travelrite reasonably believes is necessary for your benefit to maintain the tour itinerary, repatriate you or otherwise accommodate, transport or sustain you in circumstances in which the tour itinerary fails wholly or partly for any reason. You appoint Travelrite your attorney for this purpose. You agree to pay Travelrite any cost thereof and you indemnify Travelrite in respect of any cost it incurs in this regard. Travelrite advises you to obtain travel insurance generally including in respect of the risk that any such good or service may become required.

How to Book:
Bookings can be made by sending full names and addresses of intending tour members with a non-refundable deposit of $1,200 for the tour. Please send to:

Travelrite International Pty. Ltd.
423 Whitehorse Road Balwyn 3103

Further information or a booking form can be obtained by telephoning Travelrite International on the following numbers:

Toll Free 1800 630 343
Phone: (03) 8803 6868

About Travelrite International:
Travelrite International Pty Ltd (ABN 64 005 817 078) is a well-established travel company which has been marketing throughout Australia for over 30 years and operating in Victoria for more than 40 years. It has a fully licensed (ATAS No. 10538) office at Balwyn which is accredited with IATA. As such we directly represent the major airlines of the world and all major domestic and international hotel, tour and transport operators. Travelrite International Pty Ltd is a full member of the Australian Federation of Travel Agents – AFTA.

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Travelrite International


“Thoroughly fulfilling. Well organised and the Tour Manager kept the tem efficient. Goodwood Revival Festival was excellent.”


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