Terry Robson is EditorinChief of WellBeing Magazine, founding Editor of EatWell Magazine, host of “The Happiness Show” and cohost of “The Bite” for ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Local Radio and Digital Radio. He is leading the Travelrite International Wellbeing at Sea Cruise in February 2018.
Was there a turning point for you in your life when you decided to focus on wellbeing and happiness?
I don’t really think of myself as being focused on wellbeing and happiness. I think of myself as being interested in life; who we are as a species (hence I studied paleoanthropology and ancient history) how we encounter the world around us (so I studied psychology) and what are the biological patterns and rhythms that govern how we relate to our environment (my reason for studying natural medicine). Out of all of that, I find that wellbeing and happiness, whether we have them or not, are an integral part of what it means to be human.
What do you love about travelling?
Travelling takes you out of your everyday sphere and that means you have a chance to get out of your habitual way of being and into making conscious choices.
Do you have any daily rituals that contribute to your happiness?
A coffee, watching the ocean as the day begins.
What other authors in the field of wellbeing do you enjoy reading or listening too?
I like writers who truly examine life and are honest in doing so, for me that amounts to wellbeing. I think emotional and intellectual dishonesty are truly damaging to quality of life. I like Hemingway but find him confronting on occasion, mind you, that’s a good thing. I love reading Terry Pratchett, in his fantasy world he reveals many truths about our own. Dashiell Hammett is a magnificent writer from the ’30s, gritty crime novels but unrelentingly truthful. At the other end of the scale I like Richard Bach, no grit there but some beautiful writing.
Which sports/fitness activities really work for you, and how important are they to you?
Swimming. For me it is both meditative and physically explosive, a mix that appeals.
Will there be any particular New Zealand cuisine that you will be keen to sample on the upcoming tour?
I don’t know if there will be an opportunity but a Maori Hangi would be a great experience. Other than that a NZ persimmon (if in season) would be something I’d like to try.
What can tour members look forward to on the upcoming Wellbeing at Sea Cruise to New Zealand?
Companionship, exploration, communal wisdom and the chance to let the cares of the world float away as they reset themselves (if they want to).
Tour Details here